Free Christian Nursery Printable Artwork!

When I was making the wall art display for our baby E’s nursery, I designed some religious themed artwork to frame and hang on his wall. I included the two Bible passages that inspired me the most during my pregnancy as well as a very inspirational quote from one of our favorite saints, St. Francis of Assisi. You can see how I integrated them into the design of his room here. I wanted to share them with all of you in case anyone else finds inspiration from these quotes as well! Click on the images below to be brought to a printable pdf version of each image. If you decide to use these, feel free to show me pictures of how you used them in your home!

francis psalm139

8 thoughts on “Free Christian Nursery Printable Artwork!

    • While I do feel that the tone of your comment certainly is not necessarily directed at me in a very loving, Christian manner, I do appreciate you calling that to my attention. You are correct that the location of the quote was not correct. I must have made a typo when creating the artwork. Thank you for pointing that out. It is most definitely 1 Samuel 1:27, just a simple typo. However, the wording may vary slightly from what is listed in your Bible at that location. You may have noticed in the post tags that I am Catholic, so that is the wording shown in the Catholic version of the Bible (since I know that various Christian religions have different Bibles, and therefore slightly different wording).

      I have been in and out of the hospital this weekend with a brain infection, but once I am healthy enough to sit up at my normal computer again, I will correct the artwork. I apologize if you were hoping to use it immediately.

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